Serving Lafayette Parish and Vicinity
Amateur Radio Repeater

4/25/2022- There was a failure of the RX radio some time ago. So currently the repeater is offline. I do not have a timeline as to when or if it will be back online. This was a low use repeater, and now with the local club having a DMR repeater I may convert this to a P25 repeater for our area.

02/02/2019 - Maintenance was done at the Repeater site today. New LMR-400 coax was installed, and the antenna raised just a bit. This should provide better coverage.
The K5LPD Repeater is a 2 Meter VHF Digitial Only Amateur Radio Repeater located in Scott, Louisiana. The antenna is approximately 70ft HAAT with 15 watts of power. The repeater is Multi-Mode, capable of operating in DMR, Yeasu Fusion, D-Star, and P25. Currently the repeater is set to operate in DMR only. The K5LPD is connected to the Brandmeister Network. Group assignments are listed below for your reference. Any Brandmeister Talkgroup other than Louisiana can be activated on Time Slot 1. Local traffic (Non Network), takes place on Timeslot 2, Talkgroup 9. All Louisiana Talkgroups are static on Timeslot 2. If you are interested in getting your radio programmed for this repeater, send me an e-mail at ohaydel@gmail.com. Let me know what radio you have and I will create a simple codeplug to get you started.
Brandmeister Network (Time Slot 1)
All Talkgroups are on Demand (PTT)
Brandmeister Louisiana Talkgroups (Time Slot 2)
Click here for Active Dashboard

RX: 144.9800
TX: 147.4800
DMR: Color Code 1

Coverage Area

Program your Radio
3122 Louisiana Statewide
31220 Louisiana Chat
31221 SELCOM Group
31222 LA AuxComm
31223 Acadiana DMR (To be assigned if use picks up)
31224 XRF048 C (Angelo NOLA)
31225 SE Louisiana
31226 Gulf Coast Link System
31229 ArkLaTex